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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day of Boredom (Happy President's Day!)

I left my dorm room a total of 13 times today. 10 times to help people into their rooms who got locked out, (I work for the Head Resident of the Dorms, so that's part of my job), 2 times for bathroom breaks, and one time to go the cafeteria to buy a delicious 12" sub. :)

So basically, I was in my room the entire day. So what was I doing? It all started with my frustration that my copy of Teen Titans season 3 arrived on Friday, but the mail place closed early, isn't open on Saturday or Sunday, and would not be closed Mondy (today) because of the holiday. Grrr.

I heard that Pokémon had started up its 14th (!!) season based off of the Black and White game coming in March. Now, I love the DS/Gameboy Pokémon games, though I haven't really cared about or watched the show since i was 11 or 12 (2002-2003) So its been a while. I searched for (and found) the first 3 episodes of season 14 on YouTube, and watched them all. (I was bored, ok!)

There are a few things that frighten me. Aside from the great animation, to my horror, I discovered that Ask (the main dude) is still 10 years old! Ash was 10 years old when the show first started. 14 years later, and he's still 10?? That means the show is older than the main protagonist! (Although, I can see why nintendo/pokemon would want to keep him younger. if he had aged normally, he would now be 24 years old-give or take.)

All three of my episodes had Team Rocket, yet again, trying to catch Pikachu. Seriously?They were doing this 14 years ago in every episode when the show first started, and they were still doing this 8 years ago when I stopped watching the show. (This was the main reason I stopped watching - because they did the same thing over and over and over again in 98% of all the episodes.) Pokemon may have more episodes (and movies) than the Simpsons, but if you've seen the first 40, you've seen them all, minus the new Pokemon.

The last disturbing thing, of which I will keep very brief, is the new theme song, which makes me embarrassed for all humanity. It's trash. and embarrassing. yikes.

Anyways, after the third episodes was done, that got me thinking into what new Pokemon I want to see that still don't exist. So i started writing my ideas down. I would like the 6th generation to be based off of the state of Washington, or just the general north west area. So that got me thinking, what kind of animals live there? That eventually got me to looking up what other people have done online, and that's how I spent my entire day; locked in my room glued to my computer and note pad.

My Favorites (that I drew):

A Tomahawk Pokemon.

A Lion fish Pokemon with a new type: Electric Poison
and a slew of 6 Sea Urchin Pokemon (3 male, 3 female)

A new line of 'digital' Pokemon, to complement Porygon and
Rotom. Based of off All-in-one Mac computers of the ages.

Jellyfish. Jelly-fish. There's a difference.

Way cool new fossil Pokemon!

Here are some of my favorite (That I did not draw):

I'm glad that I got all of my homework done on friday!

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